One of the best ways to manage animal populations and conservation efforts is by hunting. In most states we are allowed to hunt game animals, so why would predators be any different? Hunting predators is one of the best ways to manage multiple populations. An over abundance of Grizzly Bears, Mountain Lions, Wolves, Coyotes, and other predators can not only affect livestock owners, but deer and elk populations as well. I started my hunting hobby with predators, Coyotes to be exact. Once I started I never looked back, and continue to partake in this activity. Too many predators in an area can destroy populations, however there needs to be conservation in these efforts as well, because without any predators other animals can over populate and then disease and lack of resources may occur. Some states predators are still protected, but if there was a lottery and the funds went back into management it could be a win win for everyone involved.
Predator Management
Updated: Nov 29, 2021